We would like to thank our alumni and friends who have supported the Department of Political Science and International Relations with generous gifts over the years. Your gifts help us to support our programs, students and faculty in a variety of ways. Gifts of any size are most welcome and greatly appreciated.
Gifts from our alumni and friends have enabled us to enrich the education of our undergraduate and graduate students in diverse ways. In the main, we rely upon gift funds to support the many lectures, colloquia and speaker series that we co-sponsor with other units on campus, as well as the events, receptions and speaker series of our own that we organize to enlighten the campus community. Gift funds may also be used to enable our faculty and students to present their research and scholarship at national and international conference venues.
How to make a gift:
If you would like to make a gift to the department, you may do so in two ways. You may send a check, payable to the University of Delaware, to the Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Delaware, 347 Smith Hall, Newark, DE 19716. Or, you may donate online by visiting the University of Delaware Make a Gift page. In the middle of the page you may designate your gift to the Department of Political Science and International Relations by indicating our department in the 'Other' box. Your generosity makes it possible for us to enrich the educational experiences of our students. We thank you in advance for your contribution!