Dr. Muqtedar Khan
Comparative Politics, International Relations and Political Theory
University of Delaware
467 Smith Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Muqtedar Khan, PhD (Georgetown University, 2000) joined the Department in 2005. His areas of interest are Politics of the Middle East and South Asia, Political Islam, Islamic Political Thought, Islam in America, American Foreign Policy in the Muslim World and Good Governance. Professor Khan combines academic and policy orientation in his teaching philosophy and in his research. He was the founding director of the Islamic Studies Program at the University of Delaware from 2007-2010. He was Fellow and Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution from 2003-2008. From 2017-2019 he served as the Academic Director of the State Department’s National Security Institute (SUSI) and from 2019-2021 he is serving as the Academic Director of the State Department’s American Foreign Policy Institute. His latest book Islam and Good Governance has received the 2019 excellence in scholarship award from AFMI and has been listed as one the best all time books in political philosophy by the nonfiction book portal Book Authority.
Recent Publications
“Political Islamic Movements in South Asia,” in Routledge Handbook of Political Islam,” Routledge, 2021.
Post-Orientalism and Geopolitics: Three Debates that Inform Islam and U.S. Foreign Policy, in Insight Turkey, Summer, 2020.
E-Book: Symposium on Islam and Good Governance, (Editor), IIIT, VA, 2020.
Book: Islam and Good Governance: A Political Philosophy of Ihsan (Palgrave, 2019).
"Five American Perspectives on Islam: An Analytical Report" published by Center for Global Policy, Washington DC, 2018.
"Political Muslims in America: From Islamism to Exceptionalism", Middle East Policy Journal, 2015.
"What is Enlightenment?: An Islamic Perspective", Journal of Religion and Society, Fall 2014.
"Islam, Democracy and Islamism after the Counterrevolution in Egypt", Middle East Policy, Spring 2014.
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